
Mobile Insurance In Pakistan | Pros of insuring your tech devices | 2024 updated

Let’s dive into the world of

mobile insurance in Pakistan.

Whether you’re a smartphone enthusiast or a cautious owner, understanding mobile insurance can save you from unexpected expenses and provide peace of mind. Here’s a comprehensive guide to mobile phone insurance in Pakistan:

1. Why Mobile Insurance Matters

Purchasing a smartphone is an investment, and accidents happen. Whether it’s a slip from your hand, a cracked screen, or even theft, mobile insurance ensures that you’re financially protected. Here are some common scenarios where mobile insurance comes to the rescue:

  • Accidental Damage: Accidentally dropping your phone or spilling liquid on it.
  • Screen Cracks: A cracked screen due to impact.
  • Theft or Snatching: Losing your phone to theft or armed robbery.
  • Loss: Misplacing your phone.

2. How to Get Mobile Insurance in Pakistan

When considering mobile insurance, keep the following points in mind:

Reporting a Claim

  1. Theft/Snatching: Report the incident to the police and obtain an FIR or Roznamcha.
  2. Contact Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurance provider about the theft or loss.

Documents Required for Claim

To make a claim, you’ll need the following documents:

  • Claim Form
  • FIR/Online FIR or Roznamcha
  • Copy of CNIC
  • Mobile Phone Purchase Invoice
  • Mobile Phone Accessories and Box (Failure to provide the phone box may result in a deduction from the claim settlement amount.)

Coverage and Limitations

  • Covered Events: Typically, insurance plans cover loss due to theft and snatching.
  • Wear and Tear: Insurance plans may not cover wear and tear or other damages.
  • Replacement: Instead of a replacement phone, you’ll receive a cheque from the insurance company (usually 50% of the market value or up to Rs. 40,000, whichever is lower).

Timeframe for Filing a Claim

Claims must be reported within 7 days of the loss.

Eligible Phones

All makes and models of smartphones purchased within Pakistan are covered.

Claim Frequency

You can make one claim per 12 months.

Proof of Purchase

You must have proof of purchase (invoice) to make a claim.

3. Available Plans for Mobile Insurance in Pakistan

Here are some options to explore:

  1. UBL Free Mobile Insurance: UBL offers free-of-cost insurance coverage for mobile phones to digital app users. It provides protection during online transactions.

Remember, mobile insurance ensures that your device remains protected, and you can continue using it worry-free. So, safeguard your investment and stay connected with peace of mind!

Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or a casual user, mobile insurance is a smart choice. Feel free to share your experiences or ask any questions related to mobile insurance! 📱💡🛡️

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